1. What is a virus?
A computer virus is a small program that can copy itself in a computer storage media. Formal is as follows:
"A program That can infect other programs by modifying Them to include a copy of Altered slighty Itself. A virus can spread throughout a computer system or network using the authorization of every user using it to infect Their programs. Every That gets infected programs can also act as a viral infection grows That (Fred Cohen).
The virus is also capable, either directly or indirectly, infect, copy or distribute the program executable file or program that is in the sector in a storage medium (hard disk, diskette, CD-R). The virus can also infect files that can not be executed (data files) by using macros (simple program that is usually used to perform a command). The point is the ability to attach to and infect a program. The virus is not something that happens by accident or weakness of computer devices because essentially, all viruses are designed by human intelligence after the first few experiments like scientific experiments in other fields. It's all about alghoritm ... ..
2. Differences viruses, worms, and Trojan horses
In addition to the virus in the sense as mentioned above, we also know the program called Trojan horse (Trojan Horse). Trojan horse is not a virus in real terms, because the program does not have the ability to reproduce itself into other programs. However, this program is no less dangerous when compared to program a computer virus.
Trojan horses are generally packaged in the form of an interesting program. But behind the 'charm' software, the other hidden functions to do the destruction. Computer users who get these files are going to run it. As a result of fatal, because then the user has run the destroyer routines that can wreak havoc on computer systems.
Trojan first appeared in 1986 in the form of a shareware program called PC-Write. Therefore, the user must ensure that its shareware or freeware free from trojans by installing a kind of firewall or antivirus in your computer system.
Another source of disaster similar to the virus, but can not be categorized as a virus, a worm. A worm is a program that can duplicate itself without infecting other programs. The worm usually spreads through the exchange of data between the hard disk, diskette, or e-mail. The spread via e-mail is usually in the form of a small attachment. Users who are interested will run the program. Furthermore, without further ado, the program will perform the action. Worms will multiply by sending its files automatically through an attachment to every address in the address book in the mail manager of the victim.
Generally not a destructive worm, however, besides resulting in aggravation on the part of the victim, the worm attacks can be very dangerous for the mailserver. Worm outbreak caused mailserver workload soared up can affect performance.
And not just for the mailserver, and even our personal computers can be castrated because of it. This happens because the worm is able to duplicate itself in the computer memory in very much. Now imagine if the worm to duplicate itself in unison, 'going slow computer deh'.
Generally shaped worm executable files (ending in. EXE datau. SCR), which is attached (attach) to the e-mail. However, there are several types of worms in the form of scripts written in Visual Basic (VBScript). Worm attack of this type of software in particular is an e-mail Microsoft Outlook Express, but that does not mean that other application is definitely immune to all kinds of worms.
Just like a trojan that can not be repaired (except by the author himself who knows its source code), to address the required antivirus worm attacks that can remove it directly from the computer.
3. The history of viruses and other malware
Although many parties to the agreement that the worms and trojans can not be categorized as a virus, but in its history, the delivery of the virus travel history will always be accompanied by stories about the appearance and actions of other malware, the worm and trojan. This simply can not be avoided because both 'creature' was born as the impact of the ability of the virus itself.
1981: First computer virus (virus ancestor)
In 1981, a program called Elk Cloner appear on the Apple II computer. This program (this year the term computer virus has not been found) displays six lines on a computer monitor as follows:
Will it get on your disk
Will it infiltrate your chips
Yes it's Cloner!
Will it stick to you like glue
It Will modify ram too
Send in the Cloner!
1983: Documentation of the first computer virus
In 1983, documentation of test virus was first performed by Fred Cohen. Cohen is a S3 student and researcher who theoretically and with a variety of scientific experiments can provide insight and understanding to the world that there will be 'new creature' around us with huge potential to be 'troublemakers' in the development of computer and telecommunications century.
1986: The first virus on PC
'The Brain' is the name for the virus which was first known to infect the PC. The virus is made by two brothers from Pakistan, Basit and Amjad, in 1986. These viruses infect floppy disk that is inserted in the PC operating system MS-DOS. Seiap floppy already infected will have a volume label: "© Brain". 'The Brain' is also often referred to as the first computer stealth viruses because these viruses are able to master tables on a DOS interrupt (Interrupt interceptor). The virus is capable of controlling the DOS level instructions and usually they are hidden as well as a full name or size.
1987: The virus attacks the extensions *. COM
This year is the year the virus file. These variants are specifically attacking all files with extension *. COM. Files that are commonly attacked is the subject of the attackers named command.com Lehigh virus. In addition to attacking *. COM, the virus at that time have also been able to attack .* EXE file, such as viruses Suriv-02. In addition to viruses, worms also do not want to miss graced the virus incursion into the computer system at the time. Recorded in history that this year the term "The IBM Christmas Worm" as the impact of IBM's large mainframe worm attacked.
1988: Virus for Macintosh, worms created ARPANET, antivirus for 'the brain', and ... ... .. become celebrities
In this year began macintosh infected by a virus called MacMag and The Scores. It still includes some good news. The bad news is the collapse of the 6000 computers in the network, the ARPANET because the act of 'a' worm works of Robert Morris (he was only 23 years old at the time). The worm works its way to duplicate himself and settle in the computer memory. Funnily enough, the worm he created just to kill boredom. Finally, the prison became his home for 3 years plus a fine of $ 10,000.00. Other bad news is the birth of 'Jerusalem' and 'Cascade'. The Jerusalem virus is only active / live on Friday the 13th (Friday The 13th) and infect the two extensions at once, namely .* .* EXE and COM. Remarkably, all infected computers will lose their programs when run on that date. While the cascade discovered by the Germans was the first virus that encrypted (encrypted viruses) that can not be changed or eliminated for the time. Except by those who know the encryption code-behind (decode) course. For example the creator of the virus itself.
History re-occur, the first antivirus eventually appear. Antivirus is designed to detect at the same time removing the virus 'The Brain' that infected diskettes. Plus the ability to immunize (give immunity) to the diskette from being seized by 'The Brain'. This means, technically a computer, the antivirus algorithm is an algorithm that can damage the course of the algorithm of the virus.
The number of major events caused by computer viruses this year makes it popular move and start filling the pages of popular media such as Business Week, Newsweek, Fortune, PC Magazine and Time. That's cool ...
1989: Trojan AIDS and Dark Avenger
AIDS spreads as a Trojan program that can hold data information of AIDS (Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome) in the computer dijangkitinya. It may be useful if it is on the hard drive of doctors and health practitioners, but another problem with the mathematician and banking practitioners.
In the month of September the 17th, the Washington Post reported on a virus that they called the language of the journalist: "a virus that lives and destroyed on the 13th day of Friday had fled". This virus works like Jerusalem, his name is DataCrime. Model introduced a new style of attack by Dark Avenger virus. The virus is designed to destroy the computer system slowly. So, at first the user will not realize that their computer got a virus, until the time arrives when the computer will run slower, slower, and slower.
In October in Israel emerged virus called Frodo. This virus is a virus that is programmed to damage the hard drive (hard drive) running on September 22, or later in the year regardless.
1990: Virus Exchange, a book about viruses, and antiviral highlights
Bulgaria emerged from a virus that can swap and change its own code, its name is a virus exchange (VX) BBS. Mark Ludwig enlisting as a writer who published a book about viruses. IBM, McAfee, Digital Dispatch, and Iris antivirus issue. The new arena in the IT business, making the program (toolkit) antivirus. In this variant of the virus circulating more and more and great. One of them is a virus combinations that ability is not just hiding (stealth virus), but also capable of changing its own structure to outwit antivirus programs (polymorphic viruses) and infect the two types of popular extensions, namely .* .* EXE and COM as well as infect the boot sector .
1991: Symantec releases antivirus and Tequilla
Do not want to miss the big vendors who have made an antivirus, Symantec released the antivirus eventually labeled Norton Antivirus. Products that to this day continues to rule the world antivirus market. The surprise this year was when Tequilla found. This virus has three magic power at once, which could hide (stealth), can be polymorphic and multipartite.
1992: Toolkit virus maker
The Dark Avenger Mutation Enginge (DAME) became the first virus maker toolkit that can transform ordinary viruses into polymorphic viruses. Besides DAME was born too VCL (Virus Creation Laboratory), which became the first virus maker. In March Michelangelo virus appeared, the news spread by the media about this virus makes antivirus sales rose sharply. Statistics noted that there were already about 1300 virus this year. Means increased 420% since December 1990.
1993: The virus is good and Satan Bug
Cruncher is often regarded as a good virus because it compress each file the infected. So, it is considered also as the savior of storage capacity. Meanwhile, in another place where a big surprise. The makers of The Satan Bug virus that arrest by the FBI using the help of antivirus vendors was just a kid.
1994: Good Times, which makes the bad times; first Hoax
Good Times is a virus that spread through e-mail with the subject as his own name. In the content of his message he mentioned that only by reading or viewing the message bersubject "good times" on the computer then the contents of computer hard drives will disappear and even damage the processor. Having examined carefully, it turns out the contents of the message is hoax (hoax) only. Good times is true that a virus replicating itself Like the other viruses.
1995: Windows 95 and the first Macro virus
The advent of Windows 95 made a lot of antivirus vendors are worried that their products will eventually not work anymore and no one bought. However, the first macro viruses appeared, called Concept. This virus does not attack but attacking DOS word processor application's most famous moment, ie MS-Word. Antivirus vendors have fruit simalakama tub, one hand they are happy, the other side they do not. Because of their enemies grow again.
1996: virus for windows 95, linux, and Excel
A year after its emergence, Concept diseantero world increasingly popular. Ms Excel also finally gets with the Laroux virus. No lag, viruses and Staog Boza became the first virus for Windows 95 and open source OS; Linux. After the manufacturer was investigated and Staog Boza is the same group.
1998: Virus Java, Back Orifice, and Solar Sunrise
Strange Brew is a virus that attacks the java files for the first time, but the damage is not too 'proud'. In this year until now the legendary Trojan, Back Orifice, a remote control tool (remote administration) that would allow someone to take someone else's computer specialists via a network, either local network or the Internet network. Access macro viruses started to emerge later this year. One of the most tumultuous events this year is when two teenagers from California managed to infiltrate and control the computer system belongs to the Department of Defense USA, government offices, private and public institutions. The accident was popular with the term 'Solar Sunrise' because the OS that is widely used by a compromised computer is Sun Solaris. In addition, this year is also the emergence of Chernobyl, a virus that damages the hard drive storage system and be able to disrupt the system. In China alone, the losses reached 120 million U.S. dollars. Fortunately, this virus attacks the Windows OS only and are not attacking the OS range of Unix and Novell Netware. If both the OS later also infected with the losses that occur could be even greater because Unix and Netware are widely used in the banking sector, governments, securities, aviation, and telecommunications.
1999: Please welcome ... ... Melissa
This year truly belonged to Melissa macro virus that utilizes MS Word, Outlook Express and Internet networks in spreading. Melissa became the fastest spreading viruses than previous viruses, and of course being the catalyst antiviral sales worldwide.
Bubble Boy emerged and became the first virus that does not depend on the user to perform an action. So, when a recipient opens the attachment Bubble Boy manager of his mail program like Ms Outlook, so the virus does not have to wait to open her first attachment. Viruses Corner appears complete line of malware that infects fond prodik-Microsoft products. This time the target is Ms Project.
Tristate became the first virus capable of infecting three variants of MS Office as well, namely Ms Word, Excel, and Power Point.
2000: time to say love the 'I Love You'
A young man known as the creator of the virus Philippines 'I Love You'. Mode of action of this virus-like Melissa but more sophisticated and more destructive than Melissa alone. If Melissa only took 50 e-mail list available on the infected computer and then send it to another computer over the Internet, then I love you not only take 50, but all. Amazingly, all the information about the e-mail address book taken from the computer, such as your username and password will be sent to the address of the author of the virus. Plus the ability to delete files with extension *. MP3, *. MP2, *. JPG and.
2001: Kournikova, Code Red and Nimda
Virus 'Anna Kournikova' young tennis player who uses the image of Russia as a shining bait works by sending itself to e-mail in Ms Outlook Address Book. The emergence of this virus makes security analysts worried that maybe out there the virus makers no longer have to bother to think about complex algorithms in the process of virus due to the availability of virus creation tools are easily available on the internet.
Code Red made the world scene when the power (resource) all computers which successfully dijangkitinya can he used to make the system collapse in the White House website (White House). Losses generated by this virus in the United States reached about $ 2 billion. In fact, computers are being attacked by the virus is a computer that uses windows 2000 server and Windows NT as the OS.
Exactly one day after the destruction of the WTC on 11 September 2001 came the Nimda. The virus is regarded as one of the smartest virus in history history of the virus because it has five kinds of ways / methods for infecting systems and replicating itself.
At this year's Melissa virus author David L. Smith (33 years), finally got arrested and put into the United States federal prison for 20 years.
2002: Klez worm and its superstars
Klez, malignant worm that spreads through the internet. Interestingly, after he sent copies of itself to all the victims, that all e-mails that are in Ms Outlook folders, Klez then create a hidden copy of the original file dijangkitinya. In addition, the popular worm is also able to disable some antivirus products are already installed on your computer first victim.
Continuing the success virus' Anna Kournikova 'virtual world capable of horrendous previous philosophy, exists then some viruses that use the name Hollywood celebrities as' detonator' her. Among other celebrities, Britney Spears, Shakira, and Jennifer Lopez.
2003: Slammer and Sobig, again worms, worms ...
worm 'Slammer' worm is actually the relatively friendly and casual. However, the power serangnya (spread) and speed duplikasinya (replication occurs every 8.5 seconds) is really able to shake the world. Within 10 minutes since its emergence, it is capable of infecting 75,000 computers. These worms cause significant damage to the business world, including the melumpuhnya cash machines owned by banks that can not get online and delayed some flights ticket handling is done by computer has been infected.
And it turns out, also Sobig worm. This worm was recorded as 'worms' are favored by spammers. Why? Since the Sobig can make any computer that he jangkiti point relay (baton) for spammers to spread replicas separately Sobig mass to the victims to be addressed.
2004: MyDoom, Netsky, Bagle and Sasser ... whoever win, lose, We Are!
Novarg aka known as MyDoom virus spreads most rapidly in the history of the virus world, ahead of Melissa popular in 1999. This virus spreads via e-mail and file sharing software. He lure potential victims by telling them that one of the e-mails they had sent earlier had failed messages. This is a clever trick to deceive the simple nan victims. The real motive of this virus is as a tool for hackers to launch DoS attacks (Denial of Service) to the server computer SCO Inc.. (Santa Cruz Operation), and succeeded. After a DoS attack occurs, ie on September 1, 2004, the site of the hated company among open source this was offline a few days. Because of the seriousness, the SCO was willing to give of $ 250,000.00 reward for those who can tell who is behind making this virus.
Sven Jaschan, a German high school teenagers admitted writing Sasser. This worm does not cause technical damage to the computer, only she was able to lead some of the infected computer to be slow and rebooting itself without desired by the user. Noted, some large companies become victims of this worm. As the pride of the British airline, British Airways, Britain's Coast Guard, RailCorp Australia, and even the two hospitals in Sweden failed to online the 5000 their computers because of this worm. When questioned by German police about the motive behind making this worm, Jaschan replied that Sasser was written to deal with the spammers who were behind the creation Baggle and MyDoom.
Netsky was written by Jaschan to spammers who use the face of attacks Bagle and MyDoom. So when Bagle and Mydoom are set actions to make each of the infected computer as a dumping ground bulk mail, Netsky will do the opposite.
Great history occurred in June of this year when the first mobile phone virus, Cabir, appeared to be a candidate frightening specter for mobile users based on the Symbian OS Bluetooth enabled. Followed by that attack Duts Pocket PCs and PDAs.
4. Future Computer Virus
A few years from now is already certain that there will be more new-born viruses. Whether it is malignant, normal, or 'friendly'. Meanwhile, all the experts agree that computer viruses are old or classic will not experience death, it is reasonable and it is in accordance with the properties of biological viruses in reality. It should be remembered by all computer users on the planet earth that there will be no term 'dead' for computer programs, and that was true computer virus is a computer program that will 'live' or moving according to the compilers of the code (source code) that have been made by the creator. So, if a virus is in an environment that 'true' then he will execute automatically alghoritma evil without favoritism. Understandably, the virus was not created to tolerate. However, computer users also do not become 'virusphobia', which was so scared, so scared to hold the computer once. There was no disease no cure, in the sense, if we continue to update our antivirus regularly then no one should worry about the extravagant.
Viruses in the SmartPhone
When we try to look far ahead into the wave of advance IT (Information Technology) it will be increasingly clear that it is not just a desktop computer or laptop that has our general met. TabletPC, phone, or PDA that looks compact with any real grip is deservedly called a computer. Especially for the latest products that have been injected with a range of operating system variant or Symbian OS Microsoft Windows Mobile for cell phones, or Palm OS and Microsoft Windows PocketPC for PDAs.
Based on the above facts, we can conclude that one day these gadgets would be plagued by the virus. And proven, right! For SmartPhone, after Cabir present and spread with the help of Bluetooth-infected, follow from the two latest malware, ie Mosquito and Skull Trojan. Mosquito is a game that works on Symbian, but can entertain users funny he also secretly send a message (sms) to certain numbers that are the service (service) paid, thus causing the disappearance of the pulse phones. As with the Skull Trojan, shareware programs are downloaded from one of these internet sites can lead to malfunction of the applications running on your smartphone plus a sweet trail by replacing the icons of the application program with the icon image of the skull. The only good that is left by this Trojan is when he is still allows you to berhallo-hello ria, but that's it, that's it.
The above description really can not be underestimated. Especially in the mobile era such as this, where the smoothness of an activity has become very dependent on the existence of such gadgets. Call it mobile banking, activity-containing money will eventually be exploited by virus makers to create a variant that is not only damaging the phone system but also able to transmit certain data confidential to the virus creator. Phone number in the phonebook example. Well, should we have to be careful from now on as well.
Antivirus for Smartphones
In quartal 4 (Q4) of 2004 yesterday, Nokia began to equip their products with antivirus support from big vendors, F-Secure. As for the type in question is the Nokia 6670 and Nokia 7710. While F-Secure yourself proudly state that their antivirus designed to work in real-time and automatically via sms mechanisms that have been patented. Besides Nokia, antivirus service from F-Secure is also used by Elisa, one of the mobile operator that offers antivirus services over wireless networks to its customers.
Computer users in Indonesia may not be believed when 70% of the world's viruses are viruses that spread by spamming techniques. This is natural, because Indonesia Internet penetration rate is very small when compared with countries like the United States, China, and Western European countries. As a result, most viruses are popular in Indonesia are viruses that attack the floppy disk, although at the beginning of its spread is also using the internet. Call it Pesin coming from Palembang, South Sumatra provincial capital. Another story with these big countries, where the viruses are popular among Netsky, MyDoom, Baggle, Sasser, and all its variants.
5. Motivation virus makers
According to Mr. Alfons Tanujaya Anthony, Director of PT Vaksin.com, there are some things that be the goal of spreading the virus when his work. First, self-actualization. This type of virus writers generally have the programming skills are high enough, he wants the whole world know that he was smart. Second, idly (script kiddie). This typically makes the virus with the help of a virus maker applications are widely available on the internet. Third, to show off. Fourth, the promotion. Viruses are written by the fourth type is in addition to damage to the system also aims to promote something you want on sale by the author. An example is the author of Brain C which promotes the author's computer store in Pakistan.
In addition to the above motivation, there are several other very troubling motivations of computer users, among other virus writers who created the virus to transmit computer data are attacked for the sake of evil, virus writers who want to convey specific messages or the contents of his heart to the world, eg pesin virus, etc..
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